Altar Server - An Altar Server is a very special group of young people in our parish who have answered God’s call to ministry. As an Altar Server, you are one of the liturgical ministers with an important role during the Mass or other liturgical services. Servers assist the priest and deacon at the altar and help the church community worship in the best possible way.
Altar Society - The Altar Society is a group of dedicated volunteers who meet to arrange the altar flowers and decorate for the holidays and special occasions.
Bereavement Committee - Members of this ministry offer support to the families who have lost a loved one by providing food for the family of the deceased after the funeral.
Catechism Ministry - Catechesis is one of the most important ministries in the church as it is how we share our faith and knowledge with our children and youth. The word “catechesis” comes from a Greek word that means “to echo” or “hand-down what has been received”. Our mission in religious education is to collaborate with parents to form a new generation of Catholics who know and love Jesus Christ and live as his disciples in the community of the Catholic Church. Toward that end, we strive to offer a unified, solid and engaging religious education program. Through CCD, First Communion, Confirmation Preparation classes, and other programs, the Religious Education Program sows the seeds of faith that will bloom eternally in each one of our children. In order to accomplish all of this, we need your assistance. We need teachers, safety monitors and classroom helpers.
Catholic Daughters of America – Our chapter works to make real the ideals put forth in the National Mission Statement: “CDA strives to embrace the principle of faith working through love in the promotion of justice, equality, and the advancement of human rights and human dignity for all.” The St. Joseph Court raises funds to support many good causes. We sponsor fundraising activities to promote fellowship, family life, and charity within the St. Joseph Parish community.
Choir/Music/Cantor Ministry - For those who love music and/or love to sing, you are invited to join this ministry. Bring the voice God gave you and give back to Him in song and praise. If you have a musical background and can play musical instruments, come and share those skills with your parish at Mass.
Eucharistic Adoration - We invite all parishioners to prayerfully consider signing up to spend one hour each month with Jesus through participation in Eucharistic Adoration. The Blessed Sacrament is exposed on the first Tuesday of each month at the 12:00pm Mass with the Benediction occurring at 7:00PM. Even if this is not the ministry for you, please know that everyone is welcome to adore our Lord. Come for a short visit or stay for an hour. He is waiting for you! Contact Angie Stelly @ 985-759-3154 for more information.
Extraordinary Eucharistic Ministers – These men and women are appointed by the pastor and assist in the distribution of the precious Body and Blood of our Lord and Savior during communion. Ministers serve on a rotating basis for weekend & weekday Mass as well as for Holy Days of Obligation.
Finance Committee - The parish Finance Committee is to assist the Parish Priest in the administration of the temporal goods (i.e. material or tangible assets, including building, property and finances) of the parish and to enable the parish to fulfil its mission in the Diocese, the Church and in the world. The council reviews the parish financial statements and financial controls and advises the pastor on items of parish financial interest.
Homebound Eucharistic Minister - This ministry brings the Eucharist to our homebound parishioners, nursing homes/assisted living facilities and hospitals.
Knights of Columbus (Council 1710) - This Catholic men’s organization is involved in many social and fundraising activities to promote fellowship, family life, and charity within the Parish community. They meet monthly and have social gatherings.
Lector - A lector is the person who proclaims the first or second reading at Mass. This person also may lead the Psalm (in the absence of a cantor) and the Prayers of the Faithful at Mass (in the absence of the deacon).
Maintenance Committee - The maintenance committee is a group of parishioners who meet periodically to discuss and perform maintenance of the church grounds and advises the pastor and Parish Pastoral Council on maintenance and building issues.
Nursing Home Visitation - Offer a hand of love and caring to our elderly. Services include weekly Mass and visitation.
Parish Pastoral Council - The Church, as an ordered communion, needs a structure that provides for the sharing of responsibility through advisement, advocacy, and accomplishment. The Parish Pastoral Council assists the Pastor in the administration and coordination of parish activities and participates in the planning and policy-making process of the parish.
RCIA/RCIC Preparation – This Program is designed to initiate and welcome new adult members into the Catholic Church and to prepare those entering the Catholic Faith to receive the sacraments of initiation, baptism, and confirmation. We need both catechists and sponsors.
Sacristans – Most of the activities of a Sacristan is done behind-the-scenes. The sacristan is responsible for setting up of the church, the altar and the offertory gifts for Mass. Sacristans also prepare the different vessels used in the Mass including the chalices, bowls and linens used during Holy Communion. When Mass is over, the Sacristan cleans up and prepares the church for the next Mass. Sacristans are needed for both weekday and weekend Masses.
Society of St Vincent de Paul - Serve our community through the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. Money collected in the St. Anthony poor box located in the vestibule of the church, is distributed to the poor of our community.
Ushers/Greeters - Both men and women are invited to become ushers or greeters. Volunteers are ambassadors of good will. At Sunday Mass they greet churchgoers, make parish newcomers feel welcome, assist in seating the congregation and help coordinate the offertory.
Other ministries to consider: